How fast should new leaves on 2 - 4 year old Vandas elongate? Or the inverse of that question, how long should it take from the time a leaf is first visible until it's fully grown?
Not impatient, just want to have a benchmark to see whether my care is adequate.
Thanks. I've learned a lot here in 2 months!
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
Good question. I didn't make a real count, but I believe it is on the order of 4 months or so, maybe 6 months. Something like this. 1 - 2 leaves a year is not uncommon. Sometimes 3 - 4 leaves can grow in 1 year, it depends on the plant, its health, and what it "feels like doing".
It also depends a great deal on parentage. The smaller growing plants (with Neofinetia falcata & similar in the background), grow a lot faster than a 99% 'large Vanda' hybrid.
__________________ Kim (Fair Orchids)
Founder of SPCOP (Society to Prevention of Cruelty to Orchid People), with the goal of barring the taxonomists from tinkering with established genera!
I am neither a 'lumper' nor a 'splitter', but I refuse to re-write millions of labels.