How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:47 PM
lisaxaphona lisaxaphona is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal
Default How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal

I got my first phal Orchid on clearence. Needless to say all the roots had root rot from over watering. There are about 4 baby aerial roots. I have read SO much but it doesn't seem to be helping that I can tell, I am just not sure what else to do. I have to wait to getpaid before I get a root hormone. I have read to soak it in water, I have read not to, sphag and bag, etc. So I did a version of sphag and bag, if it let's me since this is a first post, I will post pictures. The flowers are starting to wilt and fall off, not sure if that is because it's not getting enough water or just because I repotted it. The moss was packed in there incredibly tight, I got an orchid mix with bark and helped stablize it with some sticks. I put the Orchid pot in a bowl of water with sphag in it and keep the sphag moist. The bag goes over the plant and most of the bowl. It is very dry in my house. I also have had a humidifier running in my room where I keep it. I keep the plant in front of an east facing window, the blinds are always drawn, so it gets some indirect light. Could this bee too much or too little? The temperature in the day is 75-80 degrees, and about 70-75 at night. The leaves are pretty firm and good color, besides the bottom two, one is slightly yellow and wilting, the other is still green and wilting. Is my orchid not getting enough moisture or humidity now? The sphag and bag method I am doing has only been in effect for two nights, humidifier for one. I got the plant about 4 or 5 days ago. I am just worried since the flowers are now wilting and falling off. When all the flowers are gone do I just cut the stem? When I got it one stem had a small fork towards the top that was yellowing, I trimmed it off. I've made sure to have it all sterile. I kept it in its plastic pot, but have cut many holes and thick slits, so I don't think it has a problem getting oxygen. I used the original flower bag from the store to cover it, cut it down, then placed a gallon bag on top. I cut out holes in top of the zip lock bag to pull the stems and flowers through. Thanks for the help, I have read SO much the past few days but now am at a loss.
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Old 08-01-2015, 11:00 PM
Orchid Whisperer Orchid Whisperer is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal Male

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
I got my first phal Orchid on clearence. Needless to say all the roots had root rot from over watering. There are about 4 baby aerial roots. I have read SO much but it doesn't seem to be helping that I can tell, I am just not sure what else to do. I have to wait to getpaid before I get a root hormone.
Hi Lisa. You already have some roots, so you don't really need rooting hormone. Don't worry if things don't improve quickly, you will find that orchids grow slowly, so changes in the plant in response to change in culture will also happen slowly.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
I have read to soak it in water, I have read not to, sphag and bag, etc. So I did a version of sphag and bag, if it let's me since this is a first post, I will post pictures.
Sphag and bag is usually used to get roots growing when there are no roots. You have some roots, therefore you don't really need to do a full sphag and bag. You can, if you like, keep some plastic loosely over the leaves to retain a bit of humidity. This should not be air tight.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
The flowers are starting to wilt and fall off, not sure if that is because it's not getting enough water or just because I repotted it. The moss was packed in there incredibly tight, I got an orchid mix with bark and helped stablize it with some sticks.
I would cut the flower spikes and enjoy them as cut flowers, allowing the plant to retain more water for regenerating roots and leaves.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
I put the Orchid pot in a bowl of water with sphag in it and keep the sphag moist. The bag goes over the plant and most of the bowl. It is very dry in my house. I also have had a humidifier running in my room where I keep it.
What you describe above will hasten the death of the remaining roots. Nothing should stand in a bowl of water.

I assume when you repotted it, you used a bark-based orchid medium, no sphagnum? Bark medium should be sufficient. With Phalaenopsis, you want the medium to dry significantly before watering it again. This drying will actually stimulate the plant to make more roots to go seeking water. For a plant with full roots, I suggest letting the medium go nearly dry before watering again (water usually twice a week, letting water flow through the medium at the sink). With your plant, I would only change that to watering when the bark near the few roots has become dry (maybe increasing watering frequency a little bit, but still allowing some drying). You have some good short roots. If the leaves don't lose water too quickly (plastic loosely tenting the plant should help), the short roots should help the plant take in and store enough water to make some more roots and leaves.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
I keep the plant in front of an east facing window, the blinds are always drawn, so it gets some indirect light. Could this bee too much or too little? The temperature in the day is 75-80 degrees, and about 70-75 at night.
The low light sounds about right while the plant is recovering. The temperatures are also fine.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
The leaves are pretty firm and good color, besides the bottom two, one is slightly yellow and wilting, the other is still green and wilting. Is my orchid not getting enough moisture or humidity now? The sphag and bag method I am doing has only been in effect for two nights, humidifier for one.
I can't see much of the leaves in your pictures, but your pictures of the base of the plant suggest that the leaves are fine for now. If you lose a leaf or two from the base of the plant while it is recovering, that is fairly normal, don't worry.

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
I got the plant about 4 or 5 days ago. I am just worried since the flowers are now wilting and falling off. When all the flowers are gone do I just cut the stem? When I got it one stem had a small fork towards the top that was yellowing, I trimmed it off. I've made sure to have it all sterile. I kept it in its plastic pot, but have cut many holes and thick slits, so I don't think it has a problem getting oxygen. I used the original flower bag from the store to cover it, cut it down, then placed a gallon bag on top. I cut out holes in top of the zip lock bag to pull the stems and flowers through. Thanks for the help, I have read SO much the past few days but now am at a loss.
As noted above, cut the flower spikes now to conserve water for the plant, enjoy them as cut flowers. Flame-sterilizing cutting tools is a good idea, as is increasing the number of air holes in the pot.

Above all, don't fret too much over the plant. Orchids have a reputation for being delicate, but they really can survive and recover from a lot of adversity. Your plant is not in such bad shape, I have seen plants that look worse survive and bloom again. "Baby" the plant too much and it will likely not make it. Balance a little "TLC" with some benign neglect, and it will likely do just fine. Keep us posted, and good luck!
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Old 08-02-2015, 10:44 AM
lisaxaphona lisaxaphona is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal

Originally Posted by Orchid Whisperer View Post
What you describe above will hasten the death of the remaining roots. Nothing should stand in a bowl of water.
I am sorry for the confusion, I wasn't very clear, I meant I had the clear pot the Orchid is in, in a decorative pot (no holes). The decorative pot was sitting in a shallow bowl with water so there would be more moisture and humidity around the plant.

Last night I took the Orchid out of the pot and let her roots soak for a half hour in some water, and this is the first time I have actually seen her roots completely green and plump instead of silvery.

Anyways, thank you so much for taking your time to give me so much useful information! This is my first orchid so I am hoping to have it happy and healthy for a long time to come.
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Old 08-02-2015, 11:59 AM
bil bil is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal

Don't be surprised if it dies. However, if you want to try and save it, that will give you useful experience.

I would go the simplistic route. I'd get a decent size pot, min 8 inches int diam, fill it with coarse bark, plant it in that and spray it all over with water every day, allowing some to run into the pot and wet the bark, but don't let it sit in water.

The coarse bark is the best medium for a phal, it will keep a humid environment around the roots. Hopefully the leaves and crown will have enough moisture to keep it alive till it puts out some roots.
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Old 08-04-2015, 06:16 AM
lisaxaphona lisaxaphona is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal

Originally Posted by bil View Post
Don't be surprised if it dies. However, if you want to try and save it, that will give you useful experience.

I would go the simplistic route. I'd get a decent size pot, min 8 inches int diam, fill it with coarse bark, plant it in that and spray it all over with water every day, allowing some to run into the pot and wet the bark, but don't let it sit in water.

The coarse bark is the best medium for a phal, it will keep a humid environment around the roots. Hopefully the leaves and crown will have enough moisture to keep it alive till it puts out some roots.
Thank you for your time. Fingers crossed.
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Old 08-04-2015, 06:47 AM
bil bil is offline
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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal

Originally Posted by lisaxaphona View Post
Thank you for your time. Fingers crossed.
No probs. Remember, if it dies, you can buy another to console yourself.
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Old 08-06-2015, 02:12 AM
Bunch_Of_Roots Bunch_Of_Roots is offline

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How can I save my first (ROOTLESS) Phal Male

Your plant looks fine. I have seen ones in worse conditions recover.

I think you should cut off the flower spikes so the plant does not need to use up any more energy. I personally find this method works well for helping phals grow roots - pot the plant in coarse bark and put a thin layer of sphagnum moss on top. The moss will create humidity around the stem of the plant and it helps to trigger new roots. When the moss is dry, you can spray a some water to remoisten it. If you choose to use this combo of bark and moss, you need to be careful about watering. The moss could appear dry, but the bark beneath could still be moist. Before you water, stick your finger into the bark. If it is moist, hold off watering.

You will need a lot of patience. Don't lose heart if the plant doesn't like it is doing much in the beginning. It could take your phal a while to send out new roots. Just keep up with the husbandry and it should recover.
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bag, sphag, cut, read, orchid, flowers, wilting, top, water, plant, holes, roots, root, post, bowl, phal, humidifier, pot, stem, days, worried, rootless, method, ago, nights

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