Yesterday we had a big downpour, and today I was checking my orchids (summering outside on my deck) if they're still intact. I was puzzled by the abundance of dark, soggy, little beads in the rail pot where my Neo currently resides. I looked up to check what had my neighbour's overhanging basswood (linden) tree dropped this time and...I was swept by an involuntary- and I'm sure inherent to women- wave of revulsion at the sight of catterpillars completely swarming the branch directly above me. To make a long story short, I dunked my whole orchid in a basin of fresh rainwater to wash off all the droppings, but then I started thinking: maybe it's good to have my orchids pooped on

If caterpillar droppings are beneficial (for orchids, of course), please let me know?
First pic makes you realize how much these little guys must eat, and in the second photo I tried to capture the culprits, but it was too windy.