I'm really getting ahead of myself a bit here; I have a paph 'Fairy Queen' and den 'Burana Jade' that I have vowed to resuscitate before I try any new genera. I'm not giving up on them unless they die in spite of my efforts

But having said that, I've been wondering about some of the other orchids. I currently have phals and some den/phals(I had 3, then divided and repotted and now have 8! They were pretty crowded). I saw a Bllra. Marfitch 'Howard's Dream' at a local greenhouse that I really liked the looks of but I have the idea that maybe it gets pretty big? I am planning to get some shelves going but still, size is a critical consideration for me. I don't want something that is going to outgrow my available space, even if it's gorgeous. Or would it be possible to control size by dividing?
I like the oncidiums, but again, how big do they get? and would they be happy in a house?