Originally Posted by Tracer04
Alright I contacted them today and basically he told me that the were back bulb clones and it is normal for them to drop the back bulb because of the stress of shipment. Does this sound reasonable?? It sounds about right to me but I'm a newbie and can be lead astray pretty easily. When questioned further he said that if more leaves yellow or the orchid doesn't start to bounce back fairly quickly to contact them again and they'll make it right with me.
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Well I was told that from a different vendor on ebay - these backbulbs can take a long time to recover, blahblah. It's true, and sometimes they do recover, but sometimes they are really too far gone.
What matters in this situation is that they are willing to make it right with you! That puts a big +1 for them in my book.
I never contacted Larrys about this issue, and that is because I was still new-ish, didn't think their was a real issue because "Hey! It bloomed!" and didn't realize that the plant was beyond help until months after I got it.
The ebay vendor I mentioned sold me a "mature division 3 psychopsis backbulbs" for $12, but the plant arrived shriveled half to death and with zero viable roots. It lost 2/3 bulbs and slowly poked a few roots out, but eventually I gave up on it. She shipped me a replacement with a few viable roots and not quite as shriveled, and that plant is now thriving for me.
Take this as a note of caution from the vendor. They seem to have a habit of selling a bad plant here and there BUT they will make it right with you.
That's okay, and you can do with that information what you will. For me, this would mean I would reserve expensive plant purchases for more reputable vendors, but might take a gamble with this vendor every now and then.
Eventually, you will develop a sense for which plants can recover and which will not make it if you keep up with the hobby.