100% Aliflor?
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Old 01-31-2008, 06:23 PM
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100% Aliflor? Male

They don't degrade at all.
Ray Barkalow, Orchid Iconoclast
Try Kelpak - you won't be sorry!
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Old 04-22-2010, 05:37 PM
Florida_guy_26 Florida_guy_26 is offline
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Hey psyc1210- I have actually done exactly what you are talking about. I put aliflor in my normal draining orchid pots. I recently got some orchids that were doing just lousy and so since the sphagnum moss idea failed for most, I decided to either give up and sell the orchids or just start throwing mine away as some were on the brink and I mean DEATH's DOOR. I decided to try selling the orchids as roots were rotting and even new growths were coming up so tiny that the plants were in critical condition. Now some plants I thought were going to surely die including some catt walkeriana that were upwards of 50$ and one even valued over 500$ and they all looked so bad. I had a few species dens that were just starting to die from the base of the sympodial growths upwards. Now keep in mind that I threw some orchids in ziploc bags of sphagnum moss and water and they managed as well but the ones in the aliflor including some phals are doing spectacular now. I have them in regular plastic orchid pots just like you can buy on ebay for a few dollars. I just put the nearly dead plants in the aliflor up to about where the base was at and enough to hold the plants firmly in place. After about 2 weeks and some new roots starting to grow the plants perked up and started drinking again from good healthy roots. I will take some pictures if you want of the oncidium and some others that are in the clear pots and have roots all over. My opinion is try it and see. It worked MIRACLES for my orchids especially the species that need a dry rest in winter. I have had amazing results trying what you are thinking about doing so see what happens and let me know.
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Old 04-22-2010, 05:46 PM
Florida_guy_26 Florida_guy_26 is offline
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I wanted to ask psych- how do you grow your orchids? Mine are in an aquarium (about 70 gal i think) It is 4 feet long by about 1.5 feet wide and about another 18-20" from bottom to top. I use the plastic grating for florescent lights and put it in the bottom to keep roots above the water and have only about 1/2" water in the bottom to add humidity. The orchids in the aliflor get enough humidity and have grow tremendously since they were potted in it. No media breakdown and hardly any repotting- it cuts potting and repotting time in half or more and you cant overwater unless you throw them in a tub of water. I water mine every day and the aliflor doesnt quite dry out, but doesnt stay sopping wet either. If you have your orchids in a non-contained environment like outside on a porch or patio, you will need to water them more often and keep them shaded from the hot summer sun. I seem to have a great balance with my plants here in the aquarium and I should get another for the others that are in plastic bins. I will be looking for more of the leca or aliflor or whatever you want to call it - if anyone has a good deal. I need to pot some other orchids in it and see how they do. for the most part it turned my growing into a very easy thing.

Last edited by Florida_guy_26; 04-22-2010 at 06:07 PM..
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Old 04-22-2010, 06:17 PM
Brookpoint Brookpoint is offline

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100% Aliflor? Female

I would like to have some detailed instrucions on growing in aliflora or leca. are they the same thing?
do you use pots with drainage holes and just let the water run thru? it is all a little confusing for me, but I am haveing problems with rotting roots and fungus gnats. thought this might be the answer
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Old 04-23-2010, 01:38 AM
Brotherly Monkey Brotherly Monkey is offline
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100% Aliflor?

Originally Posted by *Trouble* View Post
Anyone know if Aliflor is available in the UK, and if so where..? I've gone looking on the internet and can't find a thing.

I've a feeling I'll be buying an awful lot of stuff from the London Orchid Show in March.
Any hydroponics shop should carry it
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Old 04-23-2010, 01:54 AM
Rosiefuture Rosiefuture is offline
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Hi, I'm in Oz. So Aliflor is basically expanded clay pebbles? and you use it in the place of orchid mix or can you mix it 50/50? Does anyone here use Perlite at all?

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Old 04-23-2010, 01:59 AM
bdelfiero bdelfiero is offline
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100% Aliflor? Male

Hi Florida Guy, I am very interested with the kind of setup you have using aliflor but without s/h culture.Can you please post a pictures of your orchids in those setup? I want to try those things if it will work really well for me..thank you.
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Old 04-23-2010, 02:44 AM
Florida_guy_26 Florida_guy_26 is offline
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Well I will take some pictures tomorrow but culture is the key. I told you in my previous posts that I keep the aliflor moist but not overly soaked and catts like drier conditions than most of the others. The catts can stand to dry out for a day or 2 without water and still be fine, but other orchids like the dendrobium need water every other day at most or the roots will go dormant. they tip stays green but it gets covered in the spongy outer covering. I have most of my orchids in the aquarium so they have ample humidity and water which is the key. I can take some pics in the morning to show everyone but like I said before- i just use normal pots with drainage holes and let the water run through. It seems to work well for my plants. I use 100% aliflor thought and nothing else really. Some plants have other medium that I kept them in as I say to myself "if it aint broke, dont fix it" and they seem to be ok as well but good air circulation and humidity are a good help.

Last edited by Florida_guy_26; 04-23-2010 at 03:23 AM..
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Old 04-23-2010, 03:11 AM
bdelfiero bdelfiero is offline
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100% Aliflor? Male

Thank you Florida Guy.your information is very interesting and helpful..
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Old 04-23-2010, 09:14 AM
DelawareJim DelawareJim is offline
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Originally Posted by Rosiefuture View Post
Hi, I'm in Oz. So Aliflor is basically expanded clay pebbles? and you use it in the place of orchid mix or can you mix it 50/50? Does anyone here use Perlite at all?


Yes Aliflor is just expanded play pebbles. Generically, all these products are called LECA - Light Expanded Clay Aggregate. It was originally used in concrete as a light-weight substitute for gravel.

I use mine straight up. My concern with mixing with an orchid mix is the organic material in the orchid mix will break down to mush and clog up the air pockets between the LECA pellets defeating the whole purpose of using it.

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