Hi guys
I need your help for the care to give my bulbophyllum and some question
I went holiday to penang last week for the orchid festival and got myself a bulbophyllum orchid, some cattleyas, phalaenopsis and I got the coelogyne orchid said to be taken from the wild on an expidition, but anyway the bulbophllum is very healthy and is mounted on a 3/4 foot square wood pole
How to care for it
How to foliar fertilize it and can it withstand a diluted all purpose plant fertilizer which has 15n15p15k to foliar fertilize or need a special one
Should I change the mount
Whet to do if the mount is overcrowded and when will it bloom
Is it blooming size
Does it need a repotting
Can I or should I put more sphagnum since the spahg they put is little
Are they hardy
Why are some of the healty root desicates
Last question
Are there any recipes of fertilizer for bulbo or pestiside free and can it withstand the extreme heat here
Will try to post pic