Mystery Orchid update and care questions
Hi all,
I had posted previously about some mystery orchids I'd obtained and been given some good information.
Now, a little later, I have some updates and care questions.
I'm having trouble linking the previous thread, unfortunately.
Orchid 1, the bigger one, is losing a leaf - potentially from stress... but is growing some new leaves!
As you can see - one of the leaves near the new ones has some damage.
Can I cut that off?
And if so - from what I understand I put cinnamon on the end?
Orchid 2 is struggling. A lot.
The tips of the leaves dried out, though both orchids have been sitting next to one another, I became afraid that it was getting too much light so moved it a little big further back from the window. Though I'm not sure that is helping either.
I have been trying to monitor their water needs- When they first moved in it was every other day about it seemed they needed water. Now I'm around every 4 days.
Should I increase back up again?
Thanks for any advice you may have.