Hello all!

My name is Erica, I'm new here, new to orchids in general, and boy could I use some help. I purchased a Phalaenopsis orchid at an orchid show a little over a week ago, and within the first three days the flowers began to wither. They have now completely fallen off. The leaves are looking good, green, and strong, and the roots look fine - yellow/green and firm. I've read online that after the flowers drop you should cut back the spike but there seems to be two new spikes growing just below where the old flowers were (on two separate nodes). The part of the orchid where the flowers were seems to be drying out though, and I'm afraid it will dry out the new spikes as well. I'm really at a loss and don't know what to do. Also, the orchid is currently in a clear plastic pot with ventilation holes, and it came packed in sphagnum moss. Should I attempt to repot this plant? If anyone has some suggestions as to what my next steps should be, I would greatly appreciate it, I'm at a loss! Thank you in advance!