I look it up in Orchid Wiz for you. and found it under Scaphosepalum [Sppm.] gibberosum. There isn't much information other than to grow it in shady conditions and in cool to cold (50F to 60F at night).
So my first question would be at what temperature are you growing it? If it is too warm, growth that dies is not uncommon.
I would also look at the quality of your water and the amount of air movement. It grows in the Andes of Antioquia, Colombia at elevations of 1600 to 2000 meters, which would imply good air movement.
I found this info at
Orchid Societies Council of Victoria Inc
I grow two species, Scaphosepalum swertiifolium and S. gibberosum, both planted in pots containing Sphagnum moss. Fresh moss is a good potting medium for many epiphytic orchids, although some growers have difficulty in keeping the moss nicely damp without being too wet. Dry moss can hold up to ten times its weight of water and become too soggy for good culture. If the moss becomes completely dry, it can be difficult to re-wet unless submerged and soaked in water. Both my scaphosepalums grow very well when I keep the moss nicely moist.
Good luck! Hopefully you will figure it out soon.