Who among us have put their chids out for the summer? And have you seen any results?
Last week I put most of my chids out, except for several in bloom or spike. It rained that night and the next day, since then it's been on and off hot and muggy. Of course I feel good that they're enjoying higher humidity levels and more air circulation. Getting a light meter soon - since reading that thread - and will see just how placement may change for some but for now they're lining one side of my deck with some hanging.
It's pretty early yet to report any serious results but I can honestly say that I have seen some. For starters my Bllra. Tahoma Glacier 'Green's' new growth has grown some since last week. I discovered yesterday my Promenaea 'Ben Berliner' is starting a spike (silvana is still inside b/c I discovered a spike, longer than Ben). Others are also showing more growth - like my Wilsonara - though no other new spikes.
I'm excited though it's supposed to rain for several days this weekend and a couple of nights it will drop to 41...this makes me wonder if I should haul everybody back in...
How's your outdoor living going?