fertilizer and growth of flower buds vs psuedobulbs
I have a den roy tokunaga. A couple of the pseudobulbs had flower bud looking things peeking out of the top of the larger psuedobulbs. At the same time, I saw new pseudobulbs poking out from the roots. So... I decided to fertilize it with a half strength 30-10-10 fert...
Then a week or so later the flower bulbs started to shrivel while the pseudobulbs started to grow more and more vigorously.... The flowers that were already in bloom are still doing very well.
Should I have not fertilized it while some of the psuedobulbs had flower bulbs that were developing? I was a bit confused what to do since all the pseudobulbs were at different stages of growth (flowering, spiking, growing the canes, emerging from the roots, and some don't even seem like they are growing at all anymore)