Back from vacation: some wins, some losses
I asked a kind neighbor to watch my 'chids for me while I was gone. If anything is going to cure me of my fear of killing plants, this has probably done it. Lots of losses...mostly of plants that were seedlings or struggling in the first place. Lots of mealy bugs and what I think must be mites. Some sunburn, as she didn't realize that some plants need to be in the shade. But all in all, they did surprisingly well in my absence. Some plants bloomed, some have new pseudobulbs growing, and really, all the strong plants have held their own.
I have to figure out why my catt is languishing, and how to get the light right in the greenhouse. Every time I think I have it down to a system, the sun shift happens and leaves get too much light.
But I am relieved to see that my orchids really are tough little things and want to live in spite of less-than-ideal conditions.