Our society has a problem corner where people can bring sick plants in and get help. But they are asked to bring them in a bag so that the show n tell and plant sale table etc. are not infected with anything.
At our show we had an information desk to field questions and encourage people to join our society. But also the plant hotel where you can empty your hands and go buy some more or look at the displays
A tangential question is, how do you (you personally) get the most out of orchid shows? I talked to a couple growers and picked up some supplies, not to mention a few new plants, but I'm wondering if there was more I could have done to make the most of the situation, given that there were a million experts just milling around, and a bunch of award-winning plants surrounding me.
The most important thing for you to do at a show is enjoy yourself. That said, it is a good place to chat with other enthusiasts, talk to experienced growers, and broaden your awareness as to the diversity of orchids that exist.
Keep in mind, not all those people "milling about" are experts. heh
Originally Posted by orchidsarefun
.......ask the person at the entrance to the show/reception if they could refer you to an 'expert'...
Keep in mind, should said expert be a vendor, they might not have a lot of time to get into an in depth discussion. While many of the ones I know would enjoy taking the time to chat, their primary concern -- understandably -- is sales.
As OaF mentioned, many times the hosting society will have a reception desk where some simple questions can be directly addressed and more complex/time consuming Qs can be directed to knowledgeable folks. They might even refer you to a useful class/lecture/seminar.
Originally Posted by orchidsarefun
Even better is to bring along a 'problem' plant to show the experts; you will soon have plenty of people offering advice/help.
Originally Posted by plantluvver
I don't know if bringing a problem plant would be appreciated.
As has been mentioned, it can vary markedly from show to show or even society to society. If you don't know what stance the show or society has on such things, then I'd say bring the plant along and inquire at the reception desk. Whether bringing said plant is allowed or not, it should be completely enclosed in a sealed/tied plastic bag to reduce the likelihood of bugs or pathogens being spread.
Originally Posted by plantluvver
Display orchids were separated from vendors' orchids, and you were not allowed to bring your purchases through the display area. I assume that one of the reasons for that set up was to try to prevent exposure to disease and pests.
And to reduce the chance of theft or damage to the display plants.