Oh man, I have to say, though it's been said a thousand times before, that Onc. Heaven Scent (or any Sharry Baby hybrid) has a wonderful fragrance, the flowers are pretty and numerous, and the plant is compact.
Zygolum Rhein 'Moonlight' has a lovely sweet fragrance and blooms at least twice a year reliably. I think it's fairly easy to grow; likes fairly bright light and is thirsty. I particularly love this plant b/c I have a peloric plant and it's flowers are so big and beautiful. Right now I've got two spikes with three blooms each.
I've long wanted a Propetalum and finally I found one (Thanks Fred Clark at Sunset Valley Orchids!). It's a near blooming size new cross so I haven't seen it bloom yet but it's basically a mini/compact plant and I couldn't be more pleased with that. Oh don't worry, when it blooms you'll know it.
Recently got Phal. stuartiana and I think this plant is awesome. It's got mottled silvery leaves, it's miniature, and its white blooms have a red spotted lip as well as the bottom two sepals. Fantastic.
I also definitely think Zygonisia Cynosure (pick a hybrid, I've got three

) is a beautiful - though mine not really fragrant - beautiful flower to have, a must have for me the moment I saw its picture on here.
Tolumnias. Have four myself - two are newbies that came bareroot and not sure if they like me or are happy here yet - and these small plants take up next to no room and their tiny little flowers on long spikes are impressive relative to their size.
Then I'm going to have to be vague and say I think you have to have at least one Oncidium, Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Zygopetalum in your collection. I should probably say Dendrobium though I have yet to acquire one (i'm not a fan of their long stalk-like appearance but I will fold eventually for a small one). I also think you should have a bloom for every color: purple, red, orange, yellow, white, green, blue (or the closest you can get in the orchid world), pink, and the list goes on. Funny though b/c every time I think "Oh man I need more yellows in my collection" I suddenly realize I actually have quite a few, so something like color-balance is impt to me.
Trollsvans, I think I'll have to agree with you that everyone should have an oddball. Now based on this that means I'm going to need to get another one as I don't think I really have any genuine 'oddballs'...oh darn...

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 PM ----------
And you know what actually I must have a Cymbidium some day though I do not think I have the space for them nor can I tend to their need for such high light. But I do profess, the day will come!
Oh yeah and when I saw Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters', there was no going back. Now if only I can get it to bloom again...