OK, thought I'd run this one past people and see what they thought.
Phals. Always a problem there in the pot, but if they are hung free of media as nature intended, then they dry out very quickly, and you don't want to be
misting the damn things every 5 minutes. Plus, I'd like to hang them and allow the flowers to droop 'au natural'.
Soooo... I was thinking about what it would be like with something like lava rock, but which could safely retain moisture, while allowing air to flow around the roots, but would deflect wind, thus preserving a humid atmosphere.
One idiot I bought a cymbidium from last year , or at least his supplier had potted the orchid in a mess of goodness knows what and foam rubber chips, an appalling combination, and surprisingly (irony alert) it damn nearly died on me.
Anyway, I digress. Thinking about the foam, while foam rubber just didn't work for me, I suddenly thought of sea sponges. You can buy small ones and it occurred to me that if a few were secured round the roots, the roots could stick to them and tap into the moisture held in them, while still accessing plenty of air, and in addition, the roots would be freer to photosynthesise.
So, any thoughts?

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