How to care for Rhyncostilis
I've got two plants I think are Rhyncostilis gigantea (see attachments). One I've had for a year. Last year I overexposed it to sunlight and it's not very healthy. In December (our Cold Season, or Winter) it lost the three or four bottommost leaves. I'm hoping the remaining leaves will stay, and a new leaf is emerging which I hope will be healthier. That one has the lighter flowers, which are almost exactly like the picture at IOSP. It finally bloomed in the middle of February, the first time since I bought it. The other one was given me by a niece this year, middle of February. Even though the blooms are much more purple, I think it's the same species.
The sheet at the American Orchid Society site recommends less sun for Rhyncostilis, about the same as for Phalaenopsis, and frequent watering. OK, I learned my lesson last year. I water them both daily; they're in baskets with no potting material, so the roots dry quickly.
I would like to know how I can encourage new root growth. My Vandas have sprouted new aerial roots that all have healthy green (well, one has purplish) tips that I understand are active in photosynthesis. I'd feel better about these if they also had growing tips.