It doesn't look too dire to me.
The blooms are done. Cut them off.
Next decide if you really want the cymbidium.
Cymbidiums flower only once a year, they take up alot of room, and have certain needs.
The most important being bright light, and cool nights.
Mine are outside where they get nearly full sun, and nice cool nights most of the year. I think they require cool nights in late summer and fall to make flowers.
If you do still want it I'd repot, and find a very bright spot. But acclimate it slowly as it's leaves look rather dark. And that means it's probably used to shade.
My outdoors care is going to be different than indoor care. But I pot in medium bark and water every day to 2 days.
They like to be moist. Not wet.
To be honest they are the same schedule as my actual garden.
Cut and sterilize the spots and yellow leaves. My cymbidiums outside have all sorts of spots. Doesn't impede blooming.
And have fun.
And don't worry if it dies. Just post the next when he buys and we'll help again.
Last edited by Ordphien; 03-24-2015 at 07:31 PM..