OK, so the Catt's roots are shot. Not to worry, I reckon you can save it. I would pot it up in coarse bark. in a SHALLOW pot, ideally no deeper than 4 inches, and two would IMO be better. Maybe use soft rubber ties to hold it in place.
Then I would use RO water with VERY dilute fertiliser and kelp treatment a la Ray of firstrays, and mist it every day.
The idea is to encourage roots with the kelp while stopping it from drying out. VERY weak fertiliser, I use half Ray's dose if I am dealing with a problem plant and
misting daily, - twice or 3 times if it is hot.
Put the pot in a well lit warm place, and with luck it will come back.
The Phal I would do the same with, the paph, no idea.

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