I picked up this unusual orchid at the NYBG orchid show on the discount rack for 15 bucks because it wasn't in flower. about a week after it started pushing out a flower spike. This thing is huge the gallon jug for scale. It has around 30 or so bulbs. Does anybody here have any experience with this orchid or any advice in keeping it happy?
If you don't have info about where this plant lives in the wild, and based solely on the similarity of the appearance of this plant to my Bulbos medusae and Lovely Elizabeth, I'd say 3000fc of light, constant moisture at the roots, regular fertilizing, and warm temperatures. That's where I'd start.
The Orchid Species website says low levels of light so you may start with 1500fc and work your way up to more.
awesome, thank you for the response. What does 1500 foot candles look like? All my lighting fixtures are measured in lumens and from what I can gather you can't convert one to the other. I have one more question. I purchased a 6x6 tree fern plaque and would like to take a couple divisions and mount them on the tree fern. How would i go about making sure a couple future growths on the current mount don't attach themselves so that they could be removed at a later date.
I was at the NYBG orchid show yesterday. I wanted so bad to buy something off the 50off rack....there was nothing! Even worse the prices and selection were not the greatest! Meanwhile they had tons of cool things in that little back room that they refused to put out because "the manager needed to look at them first". I was so mad! Lol