i got some hormones shipped from one of the suppliers. i am at work right now, but i can look to see where i got them when i got home. they worked for me. they also have a medium for treating black rot and one for encouraging root growth on small plants. i have been using them about a year. instructions are simple.
Hi Ronen, it's funny I was just giving feedbackona similar question at another threat. Why don't you try with coconut water? As I mentionned on the other threat, coconut water is well known for containing quite high amounts of plant growth hormones like auxins, gibberilins, and cytokinins (this is the reason why it is usually added to some agar based growth media for in-vitro culture).
I know that kekie grow base is lanolin ,or vaseline
Maybe to mix coconut water with lanolin?
The problem may be the suger on coconut water on open air