Phal with root rot - what to do?
Hey everyone
Need some advice on this phal. It hasn’t been doing so well so I took it out of the container this morning to see what the roots looked like. About 99% of the roots were rotten and I ended up cutting a lot of them off. It only has a few stubs now and some air roots. This is my first experience with root rot so I’m not really sure where to go from here. I’m at work right now and I just left it sitting in the container without media as I wanted to let the remaining root structure dry out before potting it. I had it potted in a bark mixture and was watering every 5 days as I had repotted it from spaghnum moss and wasn't sure how it would adjust to dryer bark. Guess every 5 days was too much :s
What should I do with it now in terms of watering, media, fertilizer, etc?