Originally Posted by Mo Boggie
Where did I go wrong? I purchased two paph seedlings in 2 inch pots a year ago, and watered them only every 2 weeks. I've killed multitudes of orchids by overwatering, so I waited longer in between watering. When I went to repot, I saw that the roots were soggy and rotten (orchids in fine bark). I cant win. Where did I go wrong? HELP! Any tips on a rescue mission? Thanks 
Seedlings are delicate and picky, and I don't feel ready to muss with them yet.
Well established plants can also be picky, but you have to know that paphs are semi-terrestrial and like some more water...
I could be wrong, but this is what I think happened:
You potted seedlings (which like more water and humidity) in a bark mix.
Additionally, you potted a paphiopedilum, which is semi-terrestrial, in a mix that might be better suited to an epiphytic orchid.
I have seen some videos where paph roots blacken when exposed to air- they like to be kept consistently moist but not soaking. When they are too airy, it seems that they will die off because this is not an ideal situation for them.
I keep my paphs in pure sphagnum moss. I am new to these guys, but I find that their roots are plenty happy packed in sphagnum! I water them when the sphagnum feels *almost* dry to the touch and then let them dry out again. This keeps up the consistent moisture without making the plant remain too wet, and everything is happy.
So I think you over-aired and under-watered roots which might have actually preferred to stay barely moist all the time and don't necessarily enjoy air flow surrounding them.
Again, I could be wrong, but this is what I think!