I have a dendrobium which was dying due to root rotting caused by being disturbed. I replanted it and it has given me a new cane while the three old canes have slowly been dying. I keep it in a protected place because the old lobsided canes keep on being knocked into and disturbing the planting media. I would like to cut them off but I noticed new growth on two of the canes. Is there a way to get these to root or would it be safer for the new cane if I just cut off the old canes?
The old canes are somewhat dehydrated but are still providing energy for the new cane. I would leave them on. Given sufficient humidity the keiki on the old growth should grow roots and can be removed after it gains a length of 4-5".
If the plant in wobbly in the pot a rhizome clip would be a good addition. If you find a picture of one on the internet you can fashion one from a metal coat hanger and a pair of plyers.
I know the old canes are very much alive and supporting the new growth. I also have them staked to help keep them from pulling out of the pot but it really takes very little movement of the old canes to see the media move a lot. Movement of less than a 1/2 inch (1.5 cm) of the cane tip causes a lot of movement in the media- to the point the roots are pulling up. And if the new growth needs to grow 4-5 inches that will add added strain to the roots. I like the idea of the rhizome clip. I have seen them and probably could fashion one with little trouble.