Hi all

I went to my local orchid show this weekend, and decided to branch out. I picked up a couple cattleyas, and I've never had them before! I have some newbie questions.
First--light. The vendor emphasized they like bright light. I currently have them by our large southwestern window. The view is currently unencumbered, but we will eventually have a pergola to break up the summer sun. Is this bright enough, at least for now? I'm planning on summering them outside.
Second--leaves. I got my mom a C. Bright Circle (she asked for a "red one" haha). It looks like it's unifoliate. I got a BLC hybrid for myself, and it is bifoliate. Is there a difference in care?
Third--reblooming. I can see old stems from previous blooms on the C. Bright Circle. Do old growths rebloom? Or do flowers only come from new growth?
Fourth--name. The BLC I got is called Your Mine. I'm a grammar fanatic, and this is curling my toes lol. I haven't been able to find this cross listed anywhere. Does anyone know if this is a typo (either You're Mine, or maybe Yours/Mine?) or if this is the registered name?
Thanks so much!