I received a paph acmodontum today via an online order and I'm not 100 percent happy with the quality of it. The bottom three leaves all have black dots that are pitted on both sides of the leaves. The newest leaf and the baby leaf growing in seem unaffected. There also seems to have been one more leaf that they cut off possibly because it was old and yellowing, or possibly because it had been badly pitted as the base of that leaf indicates. Can you help me please? I'm worried

. What do you think it can be? Is it okay as long as the newest leaves seem unaffected? I'm new to paphs (and orchids in general - I've only got one other orchid and it's a phal). I'll try to attach some pictures, but I'm not sure they're the best quality.
Well, I tried to attach my pictures, but it said: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing."
Help? For both the plant and submitting my pictures?
Also, should I contact the vendor and ask about it?
Edit: I seem to have been able to add the pictures to the gallery on my profile.