Hello Everyone.
I recently fell in love with orchids and have been doing a lot of research on how to care for them.
Before I knew better, I nearly killed 4 Phals and I'm currently in the process of rehabilitating them. As if it wasn't enough, I took on the job or rehabilitating a friend's phal which she nearly killed as well.
Mine were in a glased pot with no hole on the bottom for over 6 months. I know.... A sin. I know better now.
I trimmed all of the mushy roots and repotted them in a new orchid pot (terracotta with holes on the side) with very coarse orchid mix. They seem to be doing ok... but we'll see. My friend's on the other hand is not doing so well. The roots were nearly gone once I trimmed all the bad ones. Since repotting I had one leaf completely yellow and shrivel. And now another leaf (the biggest) is yellowing as well.
The brightest window in my house is a west facing window, which is not ideal, but is nice and bright. I have the plants sitting by this window and they seem to like it.
I've been feeding the plants with Better gro fertilizer for orchids. And only water them once a week.
Is there, in your experience, something else I should do? Especially with the worse one of the 5?
Do you think I'll get any blooms at all this year?
Thanks for any help.