Tuberolabium= from orchidweb
Purple, White
Bloom Season:
This species is native to Taiwan, where it grows on the trunks of Ficus trees in mountainous areas. It is easy to grow and has a nice light, sweet fragrance.
This plant prefers intermediate to warm temperatures. Winter night lows of 60-64 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime highs of 70-80 degrees are ideal. Summer temps can be several degrees warmer.
50% or higher is ideal.
Use rain, distilled or reverse osmosis water for best results. This plant can grow in pots or on slabs. Water frequency will differ depending on how you are growing this plant. If it is on a slab, you should water it once every morning. When in pots, you can water once every 3 or 4 days. This plant stays fairly moist all year round in its natural habitat.
Use GrowMore 20-10-20 Ureafree for municipal or well water. Use at the rate of ½ teaspoon per gallon. If using rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis water, add back in 5 - 10% municipal or well water to supply the necessary calcium and magnesium. Fertilize every other watering in the summer and every third watering in the winter.
This plant generally blooms in the fall to winter months. It produces small white flowers with purple marks on the lip. The flowers are waxy and fragrant. When this plant becomes several years old, the spike can produce as many as fifty flowers. The flowers are fairly long lasting often remaining for 1-3 months.
When growing on slabs, repotting is not necessary. These plants will be fine for several years when on slabs. When in pots, repot once every 12 to 18 months using medium grade bark mix..
Sideria: from orchidweb
It is best to use rain, distilled or reverse osmosis water. Municipal water with a pH of 7.5 or lower can also be used. Water as the mix just dries out, when in bloom water as the medium approaches dryness. The prefer water retaining material such as sphagnum moss.
Use GrowMore 20-10-20 Urea free. Use at the rate of ½ teaspoon per gallon. If using rain, distilled, or reverse osmosis water, add back in 5 - 10% municipal or well water to supply the necessary calcium and magnesium. Fertilize every other watering in the summer and every third watering in the winter.
We also highly recommend Green Jungle Orchid Food, especially formulated to work with rain, distilled, reverse osmosis water or water low in alkalinity. Fertilize with Green Jungle twice a month when growing in sphagnum moss.
Flowers generally emerge in January through March, and sometimes in the summer. They are a cream white color with traces of purple barring on the petals. The flowers have a lemon-like fragrance. Most likely this plant evolved from the same background as the Neofinetia falcata.
These plants like to grow in a well drained medium with high humidity, or New Zealand sphagnum moss. They also enjoy the classic Japanese mound of moss which is commonly used with Neofinetia falcata, as long as adequate water is applied. Repot once a year for best results.
Last edited by disalover; 01-24-2015 at 03:21 PM..