Originally Posted by Leafmite
Our area shows are coming up! I volunteered so far to bring some food and to work all day Saturday if they cannot get others. Enlisted two of my daughters and dad to help. 
It is usually quite cheap to join an Orchid Society. Ours is $20 for a year and, in November, you get a free orchid that would cost at least that much so it is a really good deal. You don't have to attend meetings but they sometimes have very good speakers that are really worth it.
That sounds great! Making it a family affair ought to be a fun bonding moment. That's cool that your family's even into it. I've thought about inviting my mom and sister to a show with me. Not that they wouldn't be at least a little interested but I think they'd be interested enough to say oooo and ahh, appease me and then be ready for lunch!

I'm a little more invested than that. But I am considering joining a society, maybe attending a meeting or two as I have heard about the talks they have, like talks about orchid photography!
Originally Posted by emg53
I was able to go to the Fort Lauderdale Orchid show last Sunday. We were returning from a cruise and were right down the road so of course we had to check it out. It is only my second show and my husbands first. It was wonderful looking at all the orchids. I only bought a few but two are a different species for me. My husband took some pictures so I thought I'd post some.
Oh well, doesn't that sound wonderful, a cruise and then an orchid show!! Good golly, count me in next time. Very pretty pics, thanks for sharing. I've got some to share as well. What did you get btw?