Hi Kiki, that was me. Sorry if I offended!

It sure wasn't my intention.
On sympodial plants like catts, oncs etc. the new growth from the base isn't really a keiki, it's simple a new growth or lead. Most new growths can't survive on their own without the help of the preceeding pseudo bulbs. I don't recall ever seeing a true keiki on either of those two alliances but I have been wrong before so don't take that as gospel!

The notable exception to this is of course the dens which do both.
On monopedials like phals it's very common for them to keiki from a flower spike. On occasion if the plant's crown has died it will send up a basal keiki as a last ditch effort at survival.
I'm unclear if slippers are considered monopedial or not. They send up new growths yearly, and bloom from the new growth like a sympodial.
Clear as mud right?