I grow the species mounted on cork w/a nice layer of sphag for an extra bit of moisture retention.
Typical phal light in the area of 1000-1500 footcandles.
I water it every day in the summer and when I water I soak it down really well. If the weather is exceptionally hot and dry then I will sometimes water 2x a day during it's active time. In the winter I reduce the watering to (on average) 2x a week and I don't soak it quite as heavily. This plant comes from an area that is highly seasonal in it's rain and it appreciates a good deal less water in the winter. For comparison...I grow outside in the summer and during the winter/colder months (about 8 months a year) I grow under lights which are very drying and warm so my watering 2x a week might be even too much for someone growing on a window sill or in a very humid environment.
It can take much cooler temps than most tropical phals but I grow it intermediate and it seems to do well.
This plant will never get large like some phals and IME (albeit a limitedspan of only about 3 or 4yrs growing it) it doesn't hold a lot of leaves year to year. I think the max mine has ever held is maybe 3. ??
I hope that helps. BTW - the accepted name is Phal wilsonii.
Last edited by katrina; 01-10-2015 at 04:36 AM..