Originally Posted by paphlovian
I am a Florida resident who is a bit unsure when I need to bring my orchids in (due to lower temps). It is scheduled to get down to around 44 degrees this week. I have a various types of orchids, so just bring all of them in when I've felt it's too cold. I prefer to leave them outside if I can b/c it lacks air circulation indoors and proper lighting. It just seems the outdoors should provide them with a better environment-- I'm just worried about cold fronts.
What I would like to hear are your thoughts and opinions regarding how low might be too low on my COVERED PATIO that I keep my orchids on. It is enclosed on 3 sides and has a screen on only one-- so it is pretty sheltered-- but it still cools off out there! One thing I'm curious if it would work to use a sheet or blanket to cover my orchids when it cools instead of bringing them in? Do you think this would work out okay? It RARELY freezes here, but we do get cold fronts that drop the temps down around 40'ish at times. Are there any other methods to use for being able to keep them on a patio?
Thanks so much for your input! I don't want to loose my orchid investment, but I don't have ample time (or space to place them) to be carrying them in/out everytime we get a cold-front.

IAs I sit here in the ac, (It is 90 plus outside), I am surfing thru old threads concerning winter protection for our orchids here in SW Florida. I can relate to everyones stories, of covering, toting, trying to protect our orchids. I am an outdoor grower of over 100 chids. The winter of 09 -10, was a nightmare finding a place for them in my home, moving them in and moving them out, watering????? that was a mess. Hanging on shower curtain rods in the bathrooms dirt and mess everywhere... I do not want to go thru that again so, am hoping I have solved the problem of protecting my babies this coming winter.
My first thought was to install hurricane sliding shutters across my Lanai opening onto the covered portion which is approx. 12 x 15 feet. The opening is the widest portion. That idea after investiation became too pricey, so I was looking for a cheaper alternative.
My husband and I purchased, two porch blinds, (look like bamboo, but are actually plastic) that almost completely enclose the width of the opening, but do not quite reach to the floor. We have installed the blinds, but did not leave them hanging, we only plan to put them up when needed. Just this much protection is probably all that is needed, unless we have a deep freeze.
I will leave my ceiling fan on to circulate air and can raise the blinds, when the temp rises during the day, to supply more light. I have hanging brackets where I hang my vandas when they are blooming so they will be used to keep the vandas happy. My catts are on rolling garden carts which can easily be rolled under cover. My other chids are growing on
Home Depot plastic garage style shelving which can be moved also.
lf need be I will purchase a small heater which I can run if the temperature dips too low. Also an outdoor thermometer, to know exactly how cold the temp reaches in this area. Now that I feel I am prepared for winter.......Maybe it will be a mild one. Kinda of like no rain,if you carry your umbrella
Perhaps my ideas can be helpful for some other (NO GREENHOUSE GROWERS)
It seems it is either too hot,,,,,,or too cold.