Root Rot and Droopy Leaves Can I save this Phal?
Ok so I bought a Phalaenopsis a wile ago and it looked great. Then the flowers strated dying, its winter thought it was normal, then the leaves started to turn yellow and fall off I lost 3 leaves so far. I repotted it and almost of of the roots were dead and dying. Looked online and followed the instructions for dealing with that and repotting it. BUT now the leaves are droopy have no life and the roots are still rotting. There are 4 leaves left. I followed the instructions I got with the plant and it seems like I am totally killing this poor plant. This is my first orchid and I would like to save it if possible. Please help me!!! Any and all information is welcome.
---------- Post added at 09:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:40 PM ----------
Ok update just checked roots and they were all dead. I'm going to try youtube and see what happens...