Why is it so hard to find orchid bloom pictures?
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Why is it so hard to find orchid bloom pictures?
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Old 12-17-2014, 11:50 PM
lotis146 lotis146 is offline
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Why is it so hard to find orchid bloom pictures? Female

I do understand your frustration. I've spent more time than I care to quantify going through Zygo and other crosses registered on RHS. I've copied and pasted countless names into Google anxious to see the plant and got nothing more often than less. I wish they would take on the suggestion made by Orchidsarefun to show the pictures they receive for the various crosses.

Then to add to it like so many others have mentioned, a lot of pictures that come up are completely different species, never mind the errors. Ever seen how many Zygo hybrids are called some kind of Cattleya?

When I post pictures online - on my blog or here - I feel good, like I'm helping out the cause. It can be fun to see your own pics pop up, but then I get tired of not seeing others!

And well see, now thanks to your thread hopefully more of us see some actual importance in taking pics of your blooms and adding them to the record.
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bloom, cross, empty, pics, pictures, orchid, hard

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