Originally Posted by LovePhals
Well it sounds like the equestris is one of your favorites, if that is the case you can rid them. It took about 6 or more months on my phal using pesticide and alcohol dabbing them, repotting ...  I was determined to rid them. After 2 or 3 months of not seeing them I put it back with my collection and haven't seen any since!
I just love the branching nature of the bloom spike, though I've never had one before. I just rebuilt my collection and don't think that saving one plant is worth the risk to my whole collection. I have the equestris in the bathroom, but it only gets a limited amount of light.
I've only had 1 or 2 mealy bugs on a paph that I traded with another member on OB, but it turned into an infestation after I got back from vacation. I sprayed the whole plant and medium with the Bayer systemic till it was dripping, but the mealybugs still returned.