Can two different orchids in the same Genus have the same cultivar name? In FRowine's book "Fragrant Orchids", page 184 Phalaenopsis Caribbean Sunset 'Sweet Fragrace' and Phalaenopsis Kilby Cassviola'Sweet Fragrance'.
Yes, any cultivar name can be used as long as it hasn't already been used for that cross (grex). Hawaiian Hybrids has many cattleyas with the cultivar name 'Paradise'. Carmela Orchids often uses 'Carmela'.
And with the renaming adventures of some hybrids, you can even have same genus, same grex and different breeds, this time you'll have the registration year with the name to prevent confusion. Of course it's a matter of circumstances, as they were before in different genera.
It usually occurs in the Cattleya and the like and Oncidium and the like.