I went to Lowes to pick up a humidity gauge for my orchids. They had this one lonely Phal. It's in bloom, but the sphagnum moss it's in is really nasty! It looks like it's been water way to often. The leafs and some of the roots look good (the ones on top, not so much).
My plan for this was to remove it from the pot and sphagnum moss. Let it sit under my lights and dry out for a day while I soak some bark chips. Tomorrow repot it in a nice 3" aircone pot and soak the bark with KelpMax. I'm not sure if I should cut off the spike now or see how it responds to repoting?
My other idea was to just leave it alone. Let it dry out, and then water like I do my other Phals in sphagnum and see how it does that way.
Any other opinions are welcome! If I do lose it, I'm only down $5. Seemed like it was worth a shot!