NoID Vanda vase culture. Need help with keeping it alive.
Last week I had to go take a drug test for my clinicals. That was a two hour trip to the nearest Lab Corp. So to make the trip a useful one I stoped at Gaient Eagle for some groceries. I passed by the flurest there and the first thing I saw was a group of Vandas. I grabbed on imidetly. I paid for it and my supplies and came home. Now I started to look up info on Vandas and this vase culture. But I can hardly find any info on it. I found a lot of Vanda info but hardly any on vase culture. Either I'm not looking in the right places or I'm missing something when I look at sites.
What I want to know is how do I take care of this Vanda as I possibly can??
Right now I'm following the directions it came with. Water once a week by filling the vase with water. Then wait a half hour to an hour. Dump the water and mist it the rest of the week one to two times daily.
I'll post pix later of it.