My Paph. Pinnochio that has been in bloom for about 5 or 6 weeks just dropped a healthy looking flower. It litterally just "fell" off. It was very clean; you can't even see any damage on the back of the flower as if it broke off. There is another very small bud that is still on the spike. Is this naturall? I am new at this but I was expecting the flower to shrivel and die before it dropped.
Otherwise the plant looks healthy.
These sorts of Paph hybrids are derived from Cochlopetalum species that are sequential bloomers. A mature plant can be in bloom for a very long time, but with only 1 or 2 flowers on a spike. Usually the 2nd flower is starting to open as the old flower drops.
Yeah, it's normal. I was worried when that happened to my paph's. At first I thought there might have been a lack of nutrients, but learned otherwise by my supplier.