I bought my first orchid from a nursery about 6 months ago. It's a phalaenopsis, but I don't know the exact species of phal. The flowers soon fell off (I probably overwatered it) and I have been watching the leaves grow ever since. The phal is in a clear plastic pot with a quarter-sized hole on the bottom to drain, inside a decorative pot with oasis foam at the bottom to lift it up. The media appears to be sphagnum moss, and I water it based on how dry the top inch of media feels to the touch (about every 3 weeks with fertilizer). The plant is near a south-facing window, and I've very recently moved it further away because I was afraid that it was receiving too much light. Also, because I live in LA, humidity is low and I recently purchased a humidifier for my apartment.
I've attached a few photos, and have some questions:
1. I know that the bottom leaves aging and falling off is normal, but my bottom two leaves are green and healthy. Instead, the leaves that have fallen off are leaves 3 & 4 (if we're counting from the base) and were replaced by new leaves. Now, leaf 5 is turning yellow and about to die off. What's going on? Is this normal?
2. The newest leaf has stopped growing at this length, it has been like this for the past 2 weeks, whereas the other leaves grew very quickly and large. Do leaves stop mid-growth? Or does that mean it's unhealthy?
3. New aerial roots started growing, but then the leaf/node that they are under started yellowing and that leaf is probably going to fall off soon. Is this going to affect the health of those aerial roots?
4. Should I repot? I've read on many websites that orchids do best in a type of bark mix, rather than sphagnum moss. Like I said, I bought the orchid from an orchid nursery about 6 months ago. Are the leaves yellowing and dying off so soon due to over-retention of water in the moss?
Thank you in advance for your help! This is not only my first orchid, but my first houseplant! Any advice is appreciated