My "collecting/growing hobby" got started this year even as I, like you, have had an Orchid or two for several years. That said I don't know that it's so much number of roots that will dictate when your plant will bloom but I would imagine it's going to want several at least. Healthy leaves and roots are going to be more important to the plant than reproductive efforts, i.e. flowers. I've got a mini Phal that I've managed to keep alive for about 5 years but it's never flowered again since it was given to me way back when. It's grown new leaves and recently a couple of roots but mostly it's had a root or two. The other Phal (full sized) I've had for three years almost had few roots when I repotted at the beginning of the year but still more than the mini. It grew a ton of new roots this summer and started growing a spike over a month ago.
If I were you just be patient and keep doing what you're doing, including asking questions and continuing to learn how to improve your care. Right now my issue is balancing water and raising humidity for the winter. I think if they're growing new leaves and roots then you're doing something right.
So my vote will be for next year, assuming all goes well. I would guess too that the underdeveloped leaves resulted in changes in care, the moldy bark...? Something along those lines?
Hope someone with more experience chimes in, but those are my amateur thoughts! Good luck.