I bought this at Trader Joe's a month ago (yes, the flowers still look great!), but there is no ID. That doesn't bother me so much for the name of the plant as it does for the care. Is this the kind that I water all year long, or is this the kind that needs to go on a special winter program?
Looks like a Den-Phal hybrid- (evergreen). Let it dry out slightly between waterings like a phal, and they like being kept in slightly smaller containers.
At a glance, deciduous dens (winter rest variety) will often have bare canes from previous blooms that then help to store water for the next canes. Canes that have leafed/bloomed won't leaf/bloom again but they contribute to the continued growth of the plant.
Mine are noid. If they are making lots of new growth from bottom should i continue to feed? Are those nobiles? What are the ones that are deciduous and what are the ones that make new growth at top?
Thank you for the links. I have had my dendrobium for weeks now, and now I know it is a Phal. type. I also think it has a fungal infection. Can anyone look at the pictures and see what they think?
Thanks Y'all,
How do you know it is a phal type? Does it depend on where the new growth comes from?
In general, the shape of the flowers and canes.
But at a glance, den phals bloom from the top of the cane.
And nobiles bloom from the sides of the cane.
Not a hard and fast rule though.