Originally Posted by tucker85
I grow most of my cattleyas in wood baskets with large chunks of cork as the only media. It works for me because I grow outdoors in South Florida. You do not need to worry about overpotting with baskets. You can put a small orchid in a basket with room for many years of new growth. You also don't need to worry about overwatering if you use large media like I do. Because you leave an orchid in a basket for many years, you don't need to disturb the roots and the orchid can get very large. Even when the plant grows out over the side it will just start growing on the outside of the basket. The only down side to baskets are that the orchids require more frequent watering, it's more difficult to stake the flowers in baskets but it is possible and the baskets will sometimes rot. it is difficult to remove a plant from a basket but it can be done by removing the wires that hold the basket together and removing each slat separately, cutting only the roots that are necessary to cut. The goal is to leave the plant alone for many years.

I tell you straight, that is one damn fine Cattleya.
If I manage to grow one like that I shall be very, very pleased.