Originally Posted by Ray
Or... You can install tray drains and collect the liquid in a 5-gallon bucket.
Ray Barkalow
There's one orchid fan here who has carts that are actually plumbed down into the floor with pvc pipe through a hole drilled into the floor. The water goes into the sewar by some route. If it was on a timed mist system, it would be totally automatic. I'm looking into something similar for an orchid living wall.
---------- Post added at 06:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 AM ----------
Originally Posted by kerristc
I used to do the 5 gallon bucket, but every once in a while i would get a stray piece of bark clog the drain, and i could never solve that problem 
There are removeable sives for plumbing. This is normally to keep wedding rings from falling into the sewar. It would work for a piece of bark as well. You bring up a good point though. A set up would demand some kind of filter. I do not see why the waste water could not run through a plastic box bucket, or jar with swamp cooler padding or scotch bright pads several layers thick. These filters actually work easily, and a few tutorials about dyi filters for fish tanks or ponds usually will help.
---------- Post added at 07:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 AM ----------
Originally Posted by nutgirl
Great idea, I'm going to try it but what's the easiest way to get the water from the sink to the plants? 5 ga bucket? (heavy), pitcher? (too many trips) I'm thinking of a small hose from the laundry room sink.
Any ideas, personal experiences?
If you situate your set up near a source of indoor water it is easier.
People oftten plumb their automatic ice makers in refrigerator doors right into their sink plumbing.
I have been thinking of a set up where a fountain pump is used to move water from a large bucket which has a toilet float in it. Like on a toilet, the water will gently fill the bucket until it hits a place, and then will stop. The pump, on a timer, will come on, and bring the water to the mister. It will mist for a few minuets per day.
This set up still must be tapped into a water line in the basement. Safe effective hardware exists for this plumbing job.
The only unfortunate problem is that this whole set up would probably need to be shielded from spitting water all over your furniture.
I meant to say line in basement, or supply line in a bathroom, kitchen or laundry room.