This is the only plant that hasn't performed well in my care . I've tried everything that I can think of to help this plant along. No dice.
When I first got the plant the medium was really broken down so I unpotted the plant while in flower. What I found below the medium was a mass of rotted roots. the blooms died shortly thereafter. Since then it has grown a few new roots but they end up turning brown on the ends.
Currently I have the plant suspended in a container with a little bit of moist spagnum moss at the bottom.
I had it in a bark mixture and only misted the roots. It received morning sun and dappled the rest of the day.
Now it gets misted every other day and is suspended in a plastic container. I use seaweed and superthrive once every week. Alternating between the 2 each month. Plant sits on a heat mat and gets some t5 light. Maybe 2 or 3 hrs a day.
It is slc. Little hazel 'red jewel'