If you are successful with the two species you already have, then hangianum and vietnamense are easy alongside micranthum.
Delenatii does not like as much of cool winter as the other three.
Micranthum and armeniacum experience the coldest winter in nature. Delenatii, not so much at all.
Vietnamense experience some cooling, but not no where near micranthum.
Also, they all can have quite a bit of variability as to what conditions they can tolerate or prefer.
I have seen an indoor grower whose min temp does not drop below 68 and still flowered micranthum.
but again, since you are doing well with your micranthum and delenatii, I would not worry about the two new species you are getting.
Hangi is known to be a slow grower, but not difficult.
Then again, some people are lucky to have hangi that grows quite fast.
It depends on a series of factors, growing conditions, individuality of each plant.
Good luck!