For a easy and short care version, you can look up phalaenopsis or mini phal.
It basically needs bright light, warmth, and once a week watering.
No direct sun unless it is an early morning sun or vey late afternoon sun. For now (assuming it is in bloom) you don't actually need to worry about light.
Just avoid sun. bright area is the best. shade is fine if that's where you want to place the plant to look nice.
Do not water too often because doing so will kill the roots and the plant.
If yours is in bloom, you don't need to worry about the repotting for now. Just enjoy the flowers.
With such tiny phal, I normally just mist heavily and that usually does enough as far as watering goes.
Water from heavy
misting will wet the moss enough to last a few days. Err on the dry side rather than wet. You can always revive dehydrated phal with soaking but the other way around is usually not so easy.
Once it finishes flowering, then I recommend repotting your phal into small grade bark chips or something of that sort. Also, use a slightly larger pot to hold the roots and more space as phals grow lots of thick roots during the warm months.
I usually do not fertilizer during the winter and begin fertilizing in the spring when there is a new leaf starting.
Enjoy your phal!

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