Keep in mind that everyone answering this thread will have a different recommendation.
That said: Being in Ohio, your growth season is shorter than ours here in Ca. for Cymbidiums. I have used 30-10-10 with a switch to the 6-30-30 in the past in mid August, but prefer the MSU formula (Michigan State University) 18-4-22 all year long. This Ray carries, but if I were you, I see no reason not to continue with the 17-9-18 formula you have ALL YEAR LONG for as long as it lasts. When you run out, buy the MSU.
For your area, I would cut the dosage in half around mid September, and certainly if you bring them inside.
Vandas are not my thing so you will have to wait for a vanda person to chime in on this genus, but I do not see why you can just continue on as you have been with this genus too.