Hi again everyone,
I got this Sharry Baby off of Ebay at the beginning of the spring. It was originally in SH, and it grew well in there but our early spring and summer was so cool and damp I thought it was starting to look a bit rotty, so I put it in a regular clear plastic pot with more drainage (still in LECA) so I could have more control. A few times while I was away, it got a bit too dry (my own fault) and I came back to a somewhat desiccated-looking plant, but I resumed proper watering and it continues to grow, albeit probably not as quickly as it would have otherwise.
I have been looking on here at other Sharry Baby posts, and from what I gather, they like to stay somewhat moist with good drainage and air circulation, never getting too dry. It has been hot here, and I have been flushing the pot several times a week, although that kind of weather tends to be short-lived here in Scotland. I am wondering if I am on the right track or if I would be giving more water more consistently. The plant has gone quite yellow, although from what I understand this is not unusual for Sharry Baby (it has been really sunny here the past few weeks making the growing area very greenhouse-like. There is one large pseudobulb in the centre (the oldest one) that got wrinkled (or more wrinkled, I should say, it was always a bit wrinkled) the first time it got too dry, and two smaller ones that are in better shape (hard to see in pic). The plant also has the spotting on th elevates and bulbs that I think is not unusual for Sharry Baby.
The two greenest, smaller growths are new ones that came out since I have had the plant, and there are many new roots showing, so I guess I'm not completely off the mark.
This is my first Oncidium, and I guess I just want to hear what the more experienced among you do with your Sharry Babys.