To put it another way, say you pollinate (also known as 'crossing') Plant A with pollen from Plant B.
From this cross, you get 20 seeds. All of the plants that grow from those seeds will be named whatever you want. You could name it Plant Cewal as Squirrel mentioned.
Now, say, all those 20 seeds grow to maturity. They all have different traits: some are tall, some are short, some grow quickly, some slowly, some have many large, perfectly formed flowers, and others have fewer not-so-perfect flowers. There can be an amazing amount of diversity in one group of seeds!
You select your favorite out of all those 20 plants and name it 'The Best'. It's just gorgeous, and you take it to the orchid show and the team of American Orchid Society judges agrees with you. They give your plant the Award of Merit from the American Orchid Society (AM/AOS). From then on, this plant has credentials! That award will be appended to its name as well as any division or clone taken from it. Your award winning plant will be forever known as Plant Cewal 'The Best' AM/AOS.
In your case, Burrageara Nelly Isler could be any one of those 20 seeds we talked about earlier. Some were nicer than others, remember? But 'Swiss Beauty' AM/AOS is one particular plant that stood out from the rest, and was awarded by AOS judges.
Now, which would you rather own? That part is entirely up to you!
Last edited by My Green Pets; 07-24-2014 at 01:38 AM..
Reason: Impossible to get it right the first time!